Fishback Financial Corp Promote Healthier Snacks

Seeking a wellness transformation? See how Fishback Financial revitalized their break room with healthy snacks, enhancing employee wellbeeing!

Organization Fitness | Originally posted on: 10/20/2023

Fishback Financial Corp Promote Healthier Snacks

Fishback Financial Corporation (FFC), a prominent bank holding company in South Dakota, has a rich history spanning over 130 years, with 17 First Bank & Trust locations under its banner. In July 2014, the FFC Headquarters in Brookings took a pioneering step by becoming one of 13 selected worksites in South Dakota for the Healthier Vending & Snack Bar (HVSB) pilot project.

The overarching goal of the HVSB project is to effect positive changes in the workplace food environment. It aims to make healthier choices more accessible, appealing, and affordable for employees. The project hinges on categorizing snack food and beverage items using the green, yellow, and red traffic light system known as the Munch Code. Additionally, it necessitates displaying calorie content prominently at the point of purchase.

For FFC, this endeavor was spearheaded by their worksite wellness committee, known as the Healthy Way Committee. Their primary focus was to revamp the break room, catering to both corporate and First Bank & Trust branch employees. The initial break room setup featured a kitchenette, a modest selection of healthier snacks provided by the Healthy Way Committee, and three vending machines – one for snacks and two for carbonated beverages, predominantly stocked with "red" products.

The committee embarked on this transformative project in July 2014, and, despite encountering various challenges along the way, they remained resolute and motivated. Their unwavering commitment bore fruit in November 2016, after two and a half years of diligent effort. They successfully replaced two of the less healthy vending machines with a wholesome snack bar and introduced a Healthier Vending & Snack Bar Policy to sustain their commendable work. Notably, FFC received essential resources, Munch Code signage, and technical support, with no financial funding, underscoring their exceptional dedication and the crucial backing from upper management that drove the project's success.

Challenges & Hurdles

The journey toward a healthier break room was not without its challenges. Initially, communicating the HVSB project's objectives with the vending machine vendor proved challenging, despite multiple discussions. The vendor struggled to supply the healthier options sought by FFC. Consequently, the decision was made to remove two of the three vending machines, with plans to expand the snack bar area, aligning with ongoing break room remodeling efforts. However, the remodeling project faced several delays, pushing back the originally anticipated completion date of June 1, 2015.

Upon the break room's eventual completion in the summer of 2016, new challenges emerged. Finding time to shop for and stock the necessary items without the burden of reading labels and calculating the Munch Code category while at the store presented a logistical challenge. Additionally, staff changes and shifts in project management added another layer of complexity to the process.

Innovative Solutions

The revamped snack bar now features a glass-front refrigerator and color-coded baskets, funded through the remodeling project. The transparent refrigerator allows employees to easily spot healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cheese, and non-carbonated beverages. The color-coded baskets align with the Munch Code categories, accompanied by signage displaying calorie content. With two vending machines removed, the proportion of "red" options decreased significantly, while "green" and "yellow" choices expanded.

FFC embraced Hy-Vee's "Online Aisles" service, enabling employees to shop online and have groceries delivered weekly. This innovation empowers employees to review ingredient lists and nutrition facts before making purchases, facilitating easy categorization into green, yellow, or red groups. It streamlines the process and enhances the accuracy of color-coding items, all from the convenience of their office desks.

Employee Engagement & Success

The transition to a healthier snack environment garnered positive feedback from FFC employees. They appreciated the variety and accessibility of healthier options. One valuable insight from employees was that "red" snacks placed on the top shelf were challenging to reach, emphasizing the effectiveness of positioning healthier items at eye level. Employee input on desired products also played a crucial role in optimizing the snack bar's offerings.

In conclusion, Fishback Financial Corporation's journey toward promoting employee wellness through healthier snacks is a testament to their commitment to the well-being of their workforce. Overcoming challenges and leveraging innovative solutions, they have not only transformed their break room but also fostered a culture of health-conscious choices among employees. This endeavor underscores the importance of prioritizing employee health and well-being in the corporate setting.